Ely Cathedral

Thoroughly enjoyed a tour of this magnificent building. How on earth did they manage to build this huge, towering Cathedral on a small island in the middle of completely unstable marsh land? Founded by Saxon Queen Ethelreda, initially as a monastery and nunnery. The Cathedral can be seen for miles across the flat fenland and as you approach the Isle of Ely it is easy to see how it …

Eagle Closed

  The famous pub, The Eagle, is closed but, don’t panic! The closure is only temporary to allow for some tlc and a new lick of paint on the old building. The manager has kindly allowed tours access to the courtyard during this period so, althought you will have to wait a short while to enjoy the …

Ride to Reach

May Day Bank Holiday Monday morning and cyclists of all shapes, sizes, ability and ages gathered in the Market Square for the 6th annual Ride to Reach. It is organised by Cambridge Cycling Campaign to promote issues concerning the estimated 35,000 cyclists in Cambridge. They all put their best pedal forward with encouraging words from …

Westminster Abbey

Took advantage of a rare day off to visit Westminster Abbey. Left Cambridge about 9.30am and was parked at West Hampstead and on the Jubilee line 90 minutes later. How much brighter and cleaner the tube is these days and Westminster tube station is a pleasure…never thought I would say that in my lifetime! Emerging …

Scholarship Auditions

Today the magnificent King’s College Chapel hosted auditions on the Chapel Organ for scholars hoping to attend in 2013. Always a challenge to speak to your group when the organ plays in the Chapel, but a joy to hear.

The Secret of Life

It was 9 years ago, as of yesterday that James Watson returned to Cambridge to unveil a blue plaque on the wall of The Eagle pub. It was 50 years since 1953 when Watson and Crick announced to a bemused crowd that they had discovered “The Secret of Life”, the structure of DNA. It was raining on that day in …

The Rain!

Well the rain is badly needed in East Anglia at the moment. The farm fields, the allotments and the gardens are gratefully soaking up the showers. The grass is greening up, the veg is growing (especially the asparagus at the start of a new season, yum, yum!), and the Victorian market cobbles have a shine to them. …